Laws and Regulations Pertaining to the Organization of the Texas Rangers
Organization of the Texas Rangers in 1911
In 1911, the laws pertaining to Texas Rangers were revised to further strengthen the force.
The most noticeable change was the creation of a headquarters company and the appointment of a senior captain (a rank existing today). The four companies were reorganized not to exceed one captain, one sergeant and fifteen privates. The Governor could create more companies if the need arose.
Pay for Rangers was improved, longevity pay was added, but Rangers were still required to provide their own horses saddles and tack. Firearms were to be supplied by the State and deducted from their pay, although in practice most Rangers appear to have preferred their own weapons.

Texas Ranger in Red River Oil Field
H. B. No. 5.1 CHAPTER 144.
An Act to amend Title 116, the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas including Articles 6754 6755, 6756, 6757, 6758, 6759, 6760, 6761, 6762, 6763, 6764, 6f65, 6766 be amended and Article 6767 added thereto, said Act providing for the organization of a ranger force for the protecting of the frontier against marauders or thieving parties; for the suppression of lawlessness and crime throughout the State; to prescribe the duties and powers of members of such force; to regulate their compensation; and declaring an emergency.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas:
SECTION 1. Title 116 of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas including Articles 6754, 6755, 6756, 6757, 6758, 6759Y 6760, 6761, 6762, 6763, 6764, 6765, 6766 be amended and Article 6767 be added thereto so that they will hereafter read as follows:
Article 6754. The ranger force authorized to be organized by the Governor is for the purpose of protecting the frontier against marauding or thieving parties, and for the suppression of lawlessness and crime throughout the State, and to aid in the enforcement of the laws of the State.
Article 6755. The ranger force shall consist of not to exceed one headquarters company and four companies of mounted men, except in cases of emergency, when the Governor shall have authority to increase the force to meet extraordinary conditions.
The headquarters company shall consist of one captain, who shall be designated the senior captain of the force, one sergeant, and not to exceed four privates.
Each separate mounted company shall consist of not to exceed one captain, one sergeant and fifteen privates. The captains and the quartermaster shall be appointed by the Governor and shall be removed at his pleasure; unless so removed by the Governor they shall serve for two years and until their successors are appointed and qualified.
The enlisted men and non-commissioned officers of each company shall be appointed by the Governor, acting by and through the Adjutant General, who shall pass upon the qualifications of such men, and so far as practicable shall make such appointment upon the recommendation of the captain, under whom such men are to serve. The enlisted men and non-commissioned officers shall serve for two years; unless sooner removed by the Governor or the Adjutant General for cause.
Article 6756. The pay of officers and men shall be as follows: Captains $150.00 each per month; sergeants $100.00 each per month and privates $90.00 each per month, except as herein otherwise provided. The payment shall be made monthly at such times and in such manner as the Adjutant General of the State may prescribe.
The officers and enlisted men on the ranger force shall receive in addition to their regular salary an increase of five per cent after the first two years of continuous service and five per cent for each additional year not to exceed in all twenty per cent of their salary as above provided. For the violation or breach of such rules and revelations for the governing of the ranger force as may be prescribed by the Adjutant General and approved by the Governor, officers and enlisted men shall forfeit their right to participate in the increase or longevity pay, or any portion thereof provided for herein.
Article 6757. The Governor shall appoint a quartermaster for the ranger force, who shall discharge the duties of a quartermaster, commissary and paymaster, and shall have the rank and pay of a captain.
Article 6758. This force shall always be under the command of the Governor; to be operated under his direction in such manner, in such detachments, and in such localities as the Governor may direct, acting by and through the Adjutant General.
Article 6759. The Governor is authorized to keep this force, or so much thereof as he may deem necessary in the field as long as in his judgment there may be necessity for such a force; and men who may be enlisted in such service shall do so for such term not to exceed two, years subject to disbandment in whole or in part at any time and reassemblage or reorganization of the whole force, or such portion thereof as may be deemed necessary by order of the Governor.
Article 6760. The quartermaster when directed by the Adjutant General shall purchase all supplies for the ranger force, and shall make a certificate on the voucher of the party or parties from whom the supplies are purchased to the fact that the account is correct and just, and the articles purchased were at the lowest market prices.
Article 6761. Members to Furnish Equipment, etc. Each officer, non-commissioned officer and private of said force shall furnish himself with a suitable horse, horse equipment, clothing, etc.; provided, that if his horse is killed in action it shall be paid for by the State at a fair market value at the time when killed.
Article 6762. Arms and Equipment. The State shall furnish each member of said force with one improved carbine and pistol at cost, the price of which shall be deducted from the first money due such officer or man, and shall furnish said force with rations of subsistence, camp equipage and ammunition for the officers and men, and also forage for horses.
Article 6763. In addition to the pay allotted to each officer and man of this force, they shall be allowed not to exceed $30.00 per month for subsistence when at their station, and when on duty outside of his district each member of said force shall be allowed his actual necessary expenses for subsistence and quarters, to be paid on a sworn account showing the actual amount expended, not to exceed $3.00 per day. In addition thereto each member shall be allowed his actual railroad expenses when traveling under orders.
Provided further, that when any company of said force furnishes motor transportation without expense to the State, they shall be allowed $50.00 per month per company for repairs and upkeep for said motor vehicle.
Article 6764. Clothed with Powers of Peace Officers. The officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of this force shall be clothed with all the powers of peace officers, and shall aid the regular civil authorities in the execution of the laws. They shall have authority to make arrests, and to execute process in criminal cases, and in such cases they shall be governed by law regulating and defining the powers and duties of sheriffs when in discharge of similar duties; except that they shall have the power and shall be authorized to make arrests and to execute all process in criminal cases in any county in the State. They shall, before entering on the discharge of these duties, take an oath before some authority legally authorized to administer the same, that each of them will faithfully perform his duties in accordance with law. In order to arrest and bring to Justice men who have banded together for the purpose of committing robbery, or other felonies, and to prevent prevent the execution of the laws, the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of said force may accept the services of such citizens as shall volunteer to aid them; but while so engaged such citizens shall not receive pay from the State for such services.
Article 6765. When said force, or any member or members thereof, shall arrest any person charged with the commission of a criminal offense, they shall forthwith convey said person to the county where he or they stand charged with the commission of an offense and shall deliver him or them to the proper officer, taking his receipt therefore: and all necessary expenses thus incurred will be paid by the State.
Article 6766. The Governor and Adjutant General shall cause to be made such regulations for the government and control of the organization herein provided for, for the enlistment and employment of non-commissioned officers and privates as they may deem necessary to the end that the force so provided or shall be as effective as possible; provided that when any complaint is made to the Adjutant General charging any ranger with misconduct or violation of the law, the Adjutant General will have the right to institute proceedings before any magistrate in the county where the offense is alleged been committed. Upon application of the Adjutant General said magistrate shall issue process for witnesses to appear and testify under oath, which testimony shall be reduced to writing by a stenographer and transmitted by the court to the Adjutant General, who shall take such action as the facts warrant. The cost of such proceedings including fee of $3.00 of the magistrate and fifteen cents for each one hundred words of testimony so taken and transcribed shall be paid by the Comptroller of Public Accounts upon approval by the Adjutant General out of funds appropriated for enforcement of law.Provided further, that it shall be the duty of any citizen who knows of any such misconduct or violation of the law on the part of any member of the ranger force to at once notify the Adjutant General in writing of misconduct, and it shall be the duty of the Adjutant General to at once conduct such examination and to take such action thereon as the facts make necessary, and he shall without delay submit all of such evidence and his actions thereon to the Governor for his approval or disapproval.
Article 6766a. All officers and men selected under this Act shall be men of good moral character, shall furnish satisfactory evidence thereof, sober, of sound judgment and shall conform to such qualifications as the Governor shall prescribe for appointment, and all applications for appointment to the ranger force shall be made to the Governor, who shall pass upon the qualifications of each applicant for a position on such force. Provided, however, that no person shall be appointed to the ranger force who is not a citizen of the United States and of Texas, and preference shall always be given to discharged soldiers holding certificates of honorable discharge from the United States Army.
SEC. 2. The fact that there is now no sufficient law prescribing the duties, pay and qualifications of State Rangers creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring that the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended; and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.
Approved March 31, 1919. Becomes effective 90 days after adjournment.