Hispanic and American Indian Texas Rangers
One of the persistent myths of Texas Ranger history is that, until recently, all Rangers were Anglo-Europeans. Surviving enlistment records prove that Texans of Hispanic and American Indian descent served from the Mexican era well into Statehood.
The following is a sample of names from very early enlistment records compiled by museum intern Rebekkah Lohr during research for her graduate thesis. She received guidance from Christina Stopka, head of the Texas Ranger Research Center, and used records at the Hall of Fame and Museum and the Texas State Library and Archives. Tables of Tejano and Indian names from the Republic era appear below; a few comments are in order about why the spellings and names may seem unusual.
Early Texas was a land of many languages but few schools. Many famous leaders of early Texas — like Stephen F. Austin, Juan Seguin and Sam Houston — were formally educated in the letters and the law. They led Tejano, Anglo and Indian frontiersmen who were far from ignorant and could converse in several languages. However, lack of schooling meant that many early Texans were illiterate or could barely read and write.
Enlistment rolls for the Texas Rangers were usually kept by Southerners of Anglo-European descent or recent German and English immigrants. Most were not fluent in Spanish or the Indian languages. They frequently resorted to transliteration and translation to fulfill their duties as record-keepers.
Most Tejano Texas Rangers (Texas-born of Spanish/ Mexican ancestry), like their Anglo brothers-in-arms, were either barely literate or illiterate. Only a handful of "ricos" (Tejanos of money and position) had the wealth to send their children to the private and Catholic schools in Mexico City, St. Louis and Philadelphia.
None of the Indian languages — such as Tonkawa, Apache and Waco — existed in written form. Indian recruits, unless they learned Spanish in mission schools, were illiterate. They usually signed the enlistment rolls with a mark and had to rely on whatever an enlistment officer from another culture wrote down as their name. Anglo recruiters often recorded Indian and Hispanic names by transliteration (writing the sounds of another language as familiar combinations of English letters). This accounts for many of the unusual spellings of Hispanic names:
- "Juarez" became "Juaris"
- "Luis" became "Lewis"
When an enlistment officer thought he understood the meaning of an Indian name, or was given a name by an interpreter, he made attempts at translation:
- "Gopher", "Buzzard" and "Panther" were probably accurate.
- Whether names like "They have Shot the Dog" or "Over the Branches" were correctly translated is unknown. If an Indian name was especially difficult for English-speakers, or if an Indian was known by a nickname, the recruiter sometimes took the easiest way out by using nicknames or "Christian" names such as:
- "Big John", "Jack" or "Little Jack"
- "Tom", "Louis" or "Moses"
- After centuries of acculturation with Spanish- speakers, some Indians adopted Spanish names for use outside the tribal group: such as "Manuel", "Antonio" and "Fernando."
We were privileged to have Ms. Lohr as an employee of the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame for two years while she completed her education at Baylor University.
- Byron A. Johnson, Director
Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum

Pictured here is a group of Hispanic Texas Rangers and Ranger Captains serving circa 2008.
Partial List of Tejano (Hispanic) Rangers
Acosta, Francisco | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Acosta, Francisco | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Anandos, Sasimo | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Argo, Santo | Journey, N. T. | Sept.13, 1838-March 13, 1839 |
Ballenweller, Refugio | Brookfield, W. C. | Oct. 12-24, 1838 |
Belascos, Carlos | Lewis, M. B. | March 2-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Berban, Juan | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Berman, Marino | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Camarcho, Santiago | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Candelario | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Canto, Nicholas | Journey, N. T. | Jan. 1-March 13, 1839 |
Cantu, Nichilas | Roberts, M. R. | Sept. 16, 1839-March 16, 1840 |
Carn, Jose Maria | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Carrasco, Mauricio | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Casanova, Crisanto | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Castanon, Louis | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Castracon, Simon | Lewis, M. B. | March 2-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Chappa, Ignacio | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Chavanno, Jose Maria | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Chavanno, Santiago | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Chavanno, Santiago | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Chipeta | Bell, P. | Feb. 28, 1845 for 3 mos. |
Contereras, Simon | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Contrero, Pedro | Lewis, M. B. | March 31-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Cortinas, Dolores | Durst, James | Dec. 1, 1838-Jan. 25, 1839 |
Cortinas, Dolores | Snively, J. | Oct. 10-22, 1838 |
Cortinas, Dolores | Cleveland, James W. | Jan. 6-10, 1839 |
Coy, Antonio | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Coy, Antonio | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Coy, Antonio | Hays, John C. | Sept. 1-Oct. 1, 1841 |
Cruz, Rafael de la | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Cuellar, Francisco | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Curiel, Fernando | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Delgado, Martin | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Durano, Jose Maria | Lewis, M. B. | March 2-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Epsue, Santiago | Roberts, M. R. | Sept. 16, 1839-March 16, 1840 |
Escalera, Manuel | Hays, John C. | Feb. 20-Mar. 31, 1843 |
Escalera, Manuel | Hays, John C. | April 1-30, 1843 |
Escalera, Manuel | Hays, John C. | June 1-July 31, 1843 |
Escalera, Manuel | Hays, John C. | Aug. 1-Sept. 30, 1843 |
Escalera, Manuel | Hays, John C. | May 12-Aug. 12, 1845 |
Escalera, Manuel | Hays, John C. | Aug. 12, 1845 |
Escamia, Pedro | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Espeniso, Pedro | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Falcon, Jose | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Farias, Ensano | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Feliciano, Lopez | Sterne, A. | July 8-Oct. 16, 1840 |
Flores, J. A. | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Francisco, William | Sterne, A. | July 8-Oct. 16, 1840 |
Galvan, D. | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Galvan, Damacio | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Galvan, Damacio | Hays, John C. | Sept. 1-Oct. 1, 1841 |
Ganado, Francisco | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Garcia, Francisco | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Garcia, Manuel | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Garcia, Marismore | Wilson, W. F. | Sept. 8, 1839 for 3 mos. |
Garcia, Matias | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Garcia, Raphael | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Garza, Jacinto de la | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Garza, Leandra | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Garza, Leandra | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Girard, Francisco | Lewis, M. B. | March 2-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Gonzales, Antonio | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Gonzales, Christopher | Miles, A. T. | May 14-28, 1841 |
Gonzales, Christopher | Miles, A. T. | June 1-15, 1841 |
Gonzales, Christopher | Miles, A. T. | June 16-30, 1841 |
Gonzales, Jose Maria | Bourland, J. | Spring 1841 |
Gonzales, Jose Maria | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Gonzales, Raphael | Baker, J. R. | Nov. 25-Dec. 9, 1841 |
Gouteras, Manuel | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Grenado, F. | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Hermes, Jose Maria | Lewis, M. B. | March 2-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Hernandes, Thomas | Lewis, M. B. | March 2-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Hernandes, Wakin (Joaquin?) | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Hernandez, Ancelino | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Hernandez, Juan | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Hernandez, Susano | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Herrera, Blas | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Juarez, Encarnation | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Juaris (Juarez?), Incarnacion | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Lacerine, Francisco | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Larso, Carlos | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Lepulvador, Secumonda | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Lopez, Camilio | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Lopez, Cornelius | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Lopez, Feliciano | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Lopez, Joseph | Brookfield, W. C. | Oct. 12-24, 1838 |
Luna, Silvester | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Magana, Jacinto | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Magana, Jacinto | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Mancha, Jose S. | Durst, Joseph | Aug. 15-Sept. 27, 1839 |
Martinas, G. | Hays, John C. | Aug. 28-Oct. 28, 1844 |
Martinas, G. | Hays, John C. | Oct. 29-Nov. 29, 1844 |
Martinez, Dolores | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Martinez, Dolores | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Martinez, Graviel | Hays, John C. | Aug. 12, 1845 |
Martinez, Rafel | Hays, John C. | May 12-Aug. 12, 1845 |
Martinez, Rodrigo | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Mata, Juan | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Matto, Juan | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Mendez, Antonio | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Mendez, Antonio | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Mendosa, Jose Maria | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Migano, Jacinto | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Mindiola, Marino (Maximo?) | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Monsola, Jose Maria | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Monsola, Juan | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Monsola, Poular | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Montalvo, Manuel | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Montes, Jose Maria | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Mora, Anastacio | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Padilla, Juan A. | Durst, Joseph | Aug. 15-Sept. 27, 1839 |
Patillo, G. | Stout, H. A. | unknown |
Pedrasa, Vitor | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Penas, Pedro | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Perez, Antonio | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Perez, Antonio | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Perez, Canata | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Perez, Lorenzo | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Perez, Pablo | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Piedas, Ramon | Lewis, M. B. | March 2-Sept. 9, 1839 |
Rabia, Santiago | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Ramos, Juan | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Ravia, Santiago | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Riviere, Rudicindo | Davis, Henry C. | Nov. 28, 1844-Jan. 28, 1845 |
Riviere, Rudicindo | Davis, Henry C. | Jan. 28-Feb. 28, 1845 |
Riviere, Rudicindo | Bell, P. | Feb. 28, 1845 for 3 mos. |
Rubio | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Salazar, Maximo | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Salazar, Maximo | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Salinas, Margil | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Salinas, Martin | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Sanches, Antonio | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Sanches, Antonio | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Sanches, Ignacio | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Sanches, Ignacio | Box, Samuel C. | Sept. 4-11, 1838 |
Sanchez, Antonio | Durst, John | Oct. 10-20, 1838 |
Sanchez, Antonio | Durst, John | Nov. 17-Dec. 11, 1838 |
Sanchez, David | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Sanchez, David | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Sanchez, Ignacio | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Sanchez, Ignacio | Durst, John | Nov. 17-Dec. 11, 1838 |
Sanchez, Lewis | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Sanchez, Louis | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Sanchez, Louis | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Sanchez, Pedro | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Sanchez, Simon | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Sanchez, Simon | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Santiago, Rabia | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Santos, Benigno | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Saucedo, Desiderio | Sanchez, Lewis | Aug. 5-27, 1838 |
Silvanio, Jose | Sterne, A. | July 8-Oct. 16, 1840 |
Silverni, Jose | Black, G. H. | Oct. 22, 1839 |
Tarin, Antonio | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Tepeda, Rafael | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Tiferina, Roberto | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Toscano, Santiago | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Toscano, Santiago | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Traveno, Engnecio | Gonzales, Jose Maria | Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1839 |
Travias, Melchor | Perez, Antonio | Jan. 20-May 20, 1841 |
Travieso, Melchor | Hays, John C. | Sept. 10-Oct. 28, 1844 |
Travine, Francisco | Emberson, J. | March 16-Sept. 16, 1839 |
Treviso, Melchor | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Tula, Lorenzo | Journey, N. T. | Sept. 14, 1838-March 13, 1839 |
Vasques, F. | Hays, John C. | June 1-Aug. 31, 1841 |
Villareal, Pomicina | Davis, Henry C. | Nov. 28, 1844-Jan. 28, 1845 |
Villareal, Pomicina | Davis, Henry C. | Jan. 28-Feb. 28, 1845 |
Villareal, Pomicina | Bell, P. | Feb. 28, 1845 for 3 mos. |
Ybarbo, Jose Maria | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Ybarbo, Juan | Sanchez, Lewis | June 15-July 22, 1839 |
Ybarbo, Juan | Sanchez, Lewis | Sept. 7, 1838-Jan. 27, 1839 |
Partial List of Indian Texas Rangers
Alloverbigness | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Antonio | Hays | June 1-Aug.31, 1841 |
Back Bone | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Big Bone | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Big Field | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Big John | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Big Rump | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Buzzard | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Calawntalite | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Casa | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Castro | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Cat Floating | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Catawah | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Charchia | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Chawackotah | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Chewwah | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Clutr | Hays | Aug. 12, 1845 |
Coffa | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Colque | Hays | June 1- Aug.31, 1841 |
Cooshatta | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Coshatta Killer | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Coupah | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Cut Worm | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Desaslishta | Castro | Jan. 25 - Feb.25, 1840 |
Dry(?) | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Ellis | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Ellortes | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Fernando | Castro | Jan. 25- Feb.25, 1840 |
Flaco | Castro | Jan. 25- Feb.25, 1840 |
Flaco | Hays | June 1- Aug.31, 1841 |
Fox | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Ganto | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
George | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Gizzard | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Gosly | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Ground Hog | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
He Stops Them | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
He Throws Them Down | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Helliana | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Hoesky | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Hog Honis | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Hood | Panther | Nov. 25 - Dec. 20, 1838 |
Hosey | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Hot House | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
How tis key | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Isockensis(?) | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Jack | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Jack | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Jackson | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
James | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Jesse | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
John | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
John Castro | Castro | Jan. 25- Feb.25, 1840 |
Joshua | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Juan | Hays | June 1- Aug.31, 1841 |
Justus | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Kill an asha | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Kish es caw | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Krak Killer | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Laconkill | Castro | Jan. 25- Feb.25, 1840 |
Leche | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Lentika | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Lewis | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Lightening Bug | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Little Jack | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Little Jim | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Little John | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Lockina | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Looking at us | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Louis | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Manuel | Castro | Jan. 25- Feb.25, 1840 |
Moccason | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Moses | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Muess | Castro | Jan. 25- Feb.25, 1840 |
Mundosi | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Musconttish | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Neahantis | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Neckinina | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Nehilki | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Night Killer | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Nuchi | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Olustuhe | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Otterlifter | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Over the Branches | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Pacheweh | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Pachilla | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Panther | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Parrikeet | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Pecan | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Pehenia | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Petetah | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
Plasedonie | Hays | June 1- Aug.31, 1841 |
Platta | Castro | Jan. 25- Feb.25, 1840 |
Pleasant | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Pocawah | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Possatahah | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Possum | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Quansise | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Robinson | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Satella | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Sequeah | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Shawnucky | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Shendial | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Shilkoe | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Sluishu | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Solgis | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Spy Ruck | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Tazazante | Castro | Jan. 25-Feb.25, 1840 |
Tekiausta | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
They Have Shot the Dog | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Thompson | Panther | Nov. 25 - Dec. 20, 1838 |
Tivister | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Tohotoling | Castro | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Tom | Hays | June 1- Aug.31, 1841 |
Turnover | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Utalah | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Wash | Hays | June 1- Aug.31, 1841 |
Watalle | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Watch | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
White Man | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Whitstone | Panther | Nov. 25- Dec. 20, 1838 |
William | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Yellow Jackett | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Young Bird | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |
Young Spy Ruck | Panther | Nov. 25-Dec. 20, 1838 |
Zekiel | Durst | Dec. 1, 1838 - Jan. 25, 1839 |