Colt Commander Model

Colt Commander Automatic Pistols
Gift of Mrs. Clyde Decker and Gift of Gerth Family / Catalog# 0904 & 2000.030.002
The Colt Commander Model was first produced in 1949 as a lightweight variation of the popular Colt Model 1911 automatic pistol. It was produced in a new aluminum alloy that made it significantly lighter than the typical all-steel construction. In 1970 an all-steel version appeared, known as the Combat Commander. The Commander Model was produced in 3 different calibers, and sold well as the "Lightweight Colt Auto".
The Commander Model 38 Super pistol on the left includes the standard blued finish and checkered wood grips. It was given to the museum by Mrs. Clyde Decker in honor of Sheriff Bill Decker and offers an early example of the standard Commander. The Combat Commander 45 ACP pistol on the right includes a nickel engraved finish and custom silver grips. It was carried by Texas Ranger Sgt. William R. Gerth during his Ranger service from 1975-1993. Sgt. Gerth was awarded the DPS Medal of Valor in 1983, and served in Company C his entire career.
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